Informed Discussions Podcast

Growth in Utah: What's the Plan?

Nick Season 3 Episode 2

Over the past decade, Utah was the fastest-growing state in the nation, and that growth continues – Utah is projected to reach five million people by 2050. Envision Utah’s recent Values Study highlighted that for the first time in 20 years, more Utahns feel pessimistic about the impacts of growth rather than positive. Utah is growing because it is a great place to live, but our future life quality depends on our choices today.

A statewide conversation called Guiding our Growth was launched this year to engage Utahns in exploring how to keep Utah a great place for our families and communities as we grow. Results of this conversation will be shared.

The second key element to addressing our growth challenges is planning to effectively accommodate growth. Along the Wasatch Front, the newly refreshed Wasatch Choice Vision outlines a plan for coordinating transportation investments, development patterns, and economic opportunities. It serves as a blueprint for growth over the next 30 years.

We were joined for our October 2023 Newsmaker Breakfast by the decision-maker dream team to discuss growth in Utah and shared efforts to maintain life quality in Utah for generations to come.

The conversation was moderated by Gardner Institute Director Natalie Gochnour.


Laura Hanson, State Planning Coordinator, Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget

Ari Bruening, Chief Executive Officer, Envision Utah

Andrew Gruber, Executive Director, Wasatch Front Regional Council